ASK, Alumni & friends Supporting Kids, is a fiscal partner of the Foundation for Wallingford Swarthmore Schools. ASK helps students in our school district with items, services, and resources to support and enhance their educational experience with a focus on academic, artistic, athletic, and social enrichment. Our mission is to bridge gaps in access to educational resources in an effort to allow a holistic school experience to all WSSD students. ASK has provided WSSD students with support for class trips, prom tickets, calculators and various other school supplies, foreign language programs, music programs, district sponsored summer camps, team fees and sports equipment.
As the cost to participate in high school athletics continues to rise, Strath Haven All Sports Boosters is proud to provide financial support to ASK, in their pursuit of providing support to our high school athletes. If you or a student you know is in need of financial assistance with any of the costs associated with playing a sport at SHHS, please reach out using the form below or talk to your coach, guidance counselor or an All Sports Booster representative today.
Assistance requests can be made by using this link: ASK SCHOLARSHIP REQUEST FORM.
Funding for all requests, sports or otherwise, is administered by ASK; Strath Haven All Sports Boosters is not involved in the review or the approval of requests.